Monthly Archives: April 2012

Haxton Vs. Blom in SuperStar Showdown Round 3

Viktor “Isildur1” Blom haw nine recorded wins and four losses in PokerStars SuperStar Showdown since the first match took place in December 2010. Blom has more than $540K to show for profits over 13 matches and 11 opponents. Thus far, Isaac “philivey2694” Haxton has faced off against Blom twice. In the first Blom vs. Haxton Showdown at $50/$100 stakes, Haxton profited over $41K. In the second battle between Blom and Haxton that took place a year later, at $100/$200 stakes Haxton ended up with a $5K+ profit, after recovering from a $100K deficit. Obviously, Blom has a score to settle, since Haxton is the only player he’s lost to in the PokerStars SuperStar Showdown (see a complete history of Showdowns at the bottom). In healtkhy competition, the two have scheduled a third session in which both players will put up $500K. Winner will take all. Unlike previous showdowns, in this… Read More »

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