Monthly Archives: December 2010

Hitting Quads in the Durrrr Challenge

In a recent Durrrr Challenge pot, Tom “durrrr” Dwan bet out $3,200 and Dan “JungleMan12” Cates made the call on a flop of 9-3-10 with two hearts. The turn was a black nine, putting two nines onboard, and Dwan fired out a bet worth $8,600. Cates requested time before ultimately calling and the river was the three of diamonds. Dwan checked and Cates checked behind only to see that “durrrr” had been dealt pocket nines for quads. As a result, Dwan scooped the $28,000 pot and continued his late charge in the Durrrr Challenge. While not the largest pot during the recent flurry of activity in the Challenge, Dwan playing quads is not exactly what we’re used to seeing. enlisted the guidance of PokerXFactor instructor Chris “Fox” Wallace to break down what could be a game-changing hand. The most fascinating part about this hand was Dwan checking quads… Read More »

Hitting Gin in Poker

We have more play in the Durrrr Challenge, so let’s take a look at two critical hands and find out what happened. Largest hand of the session Full Tilt Poker $200/$400 No Limit Hold’em – 2 players durrrr (BTN/SB): $199076.50 jungleman12 (BB): $105191.00 Pre Flop: ($600.00) durrrr raises to $1200, jungleman12 raises to $5200, durrrr raises to $14500, jungleman12 requests TIME, jungleman12 calls $9300 Flop: ($29000.00) 9s 3d 6s (2 players) jungleman12 checks, durrrr bets $17800, jungleman12 requests TIME, jungleman12 calls $17800 Turn: ($64600.00) 5d (2 players) jungleman12 checks, durrrr bets $166776.50 all in, jungleman12 calls $72891 all in River: ($210382.00) 4d (2 players – 2 are all in) River: ($210382.00) 2d (2 players – 2 are all in) Final Pot: $210382.00 durrrr shows 9h 5h (two pair, Nines and Fives) jungleman12 shows 7h 8h (a straight, Nine high) jungleman12 wins $105190.50 Analysis Durrrr had double jungleman12’s stack and both… Read More »

Tom Dwan Cuts Durrrr Challenge Deficit to $500,000

The play was fast and furious this afternoon in the Tom Dwan Million Dollar Challenge. The tables fired up around 3:30pm ET and play stretched for 1,214 hands. By the time the smoke cleared in the two-hour session, Dwan had cut into Dan “JungleMan12” Cates’ lead by $63,000. At one point, Dwan pulled to within $200,000 of his foe overall, but Cates battled back to maintain a $500,000 edge. Needless to say, the challenge is far from over. There have been 14,190 hands played out of the 50,000 required for completion. Big pots were the name of the game in today’s session, as five of the challenge’s 10 largest pots were played. In the richest, the first of the challenge to cross the $200,000 mark, Dwan bumped it to $1,200 pre-flop and Cates added another $4,000. Dwan pushed it to $14,500 and Cates called to bring a flop of 9-3-6.… Read More »

Run it Twice, Win $60,000

DurrChallenge Hands from the session played on December 15th, 2010. jungleman12 holds up … twice Pre-Flop: jungleman12 posts Big Blind of $400 durrrr posts Small Blind of $200 durrrr raises to $1200. jungleman12 3bets to $3,600 and durrrr calls. FLOP: 2h 9h 4c (Pot = $7,200) jungleman12 bets $3,600. durrrr raises all-in for $26,397. jungleman12 calls. jungleman shows Qh Qs and durrrr shows 5h Th . Players agree to Run It Twice. TURN 1: 9s RIVER 1: Ad TURN 2: Ac RIVER 2: Tc jungleman12 wins pot 1 for $29,997 with a Pair of Queens. jungleman12 wins pot 2 for $29,997 with a Pair of Queens. Analysis The pre-flop play from JungleMan12 is pretty standard. He’s not 4betting here to disguise his hand, which makes sense given durrrr’s post-flop aggression history. On the flop, we see a massive overbet shove from durrrr, which we are guessing he learned from Isildur1.… Read More »

Tom Dwan Continues Surge in Durrrr Challenge

On Wednesday morning, Tom “durrrr” Dwan and Dan “JungleMan12” Cates battled it out for over 1,400 hands as part of the ongoing Million Dollar Challenge. The day saw Dwan continue to cut into Cates’ lead, this time by almost $9,000. Now, Cates is up by $564,000 after 12,976 hands. A total of 50,000 hands are required for completion, so there’s still a long way to go. In a $60,000 pot that occurred on Wednesday morning, Dwan raised to $1,200 pre-flop and Cates 3bet the action to $3,600. Dwan made the call and the flop came 2-9-4 with two hearts. Cates, the first to act, fired out a continuation bet of $3,600 and Dwan moved all-in over the top for $26,000. Cates snap-called and showed pocket queens, while Dwan tabled 10-5 of hearts for a flush draw. Dwan and Cates agreed to run it twice, with the nine of spades and… Read More »

Big Pots, Little Hands

The boys are at it again and we’ve finally reached the 11,000-hand mark of the 50,000-hand Durrrr Challenge. Even though Dan “JungleMan12” Cates has a huge lead, it’s not over by any stretch of the imagination. Let’s take a look at a few hands. jungleman12 Hits a Set BB – jungleman12 posts $400 SB – durrrr $200 Pre-Flop durrrr raises to $1,200. jungleman12 3bets to $4,800. durrrr calls. Flop: Ts Kd 2c (Pot = $9,600). jungleman12 bets $5,200. durrrr raises to $14,800. jungleman12 calls. Turn: 7h (Pot = $39,200) jungleman12 checks. durrrr bets $13,400. jungleman12 calls. River: 8c (Pot = 66,000) jungleman12 checks. durrrr checks. jungleman12 turns over Td Tc for Three of a Kind, Tens. durrrr shows 6d 7d for a Pair of Sevens. jungleman12 wins $66,000. Analysis With a pocket pair, the 3bet from Cates pre-flop was standard and durrrr flatting a wide 3bet range with a suited… Read More »

Durrrr Challenge Passes 11,000 Hands

There has been a flurry of activity as of late in the Tom Dwan Million Dollar Challenge. Dwan and Dan “JungleMan12” Cates have now logged more than 11,000 hands, with “Durrrr” cutting into Cates’ lead by $60,000 in recent days. Dwan’s foe now holds a $582,000 edge in the 50,000-hand challenge, which is about one-fourth of the way completed. On December 7th, Cates and Dwan fired up the tables for 346 hands, with Cates booking a profit of $110,000 to extend his lead, which had been about $645,000. However, Dwan fought back, winning $172,000 in several sessions on Wednesday to narrow the gap. There have been a total of 11,569 hands played between Dwan and Cates, who have wagered a combined $70 million on the Full Tilt Poker felts during the challenge. $70 million! Cates continues to hold a sizable edge in number of hands won at 6,885, or 59%… Read More »

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