Monthly Archives: October 2010

Natives Getting Restless in Durrrr Challenge

To say that the natives are getting restless for the resumption of the Tom Dwan Million Dollar Challenge between “durrrr” and Dan “JungleMan12” Cates is a severe understatement. Recently, a thread popped up on TwoPlusTwo entitled “Will Durrrr ever finish a challenge?” In it, players vented at the lack of finality by Dwan in his matches against Cates and Patrik Antonius, the latter of which is approaching the two-year mark. The original poster in the thread lamented, “It’s ridiculous that [Dwan] constantly claims to have played billions of trillions of hands, yet can’t get 50k done. Antonius’ challenge is well over a year now.” One responder, however, filed back by saying, “Because Durrrr is doing these challenges for himself and not for the railtards, he’s going to decide when he’ll play. Get over it.” Dwan has been deathly silent on Twitter and last reported to his peeps back on October… Read More »

Durrrr Hits Runner-Runner for $90,000

It’s not easy to bank $90,000, unless you’re Tom “durrrr” Dwan of course. In a recent hand between Dwan and Durrrr Challenge opponent Dan “JungleMan12” Cates, Dwan scooped a $90,000 pot after hitting a miracle runner-runner flush. After raising pre-flop to $1,200 with 8-2 of hearts, Dwan called a $4,000 3bet from Cates. The flop came 6-A-Q rainbow and Cates led out for $4,400, or about half of the pot. Dwan pushed the price of poker to $11,700, and Cates called behind. The turn brought a second heart onboard and both players checked to a third heart on the river. Cates once again checked, Dwan pushed all-in for nearly $30,000, and Cates called, only to muck after seeing Dwan’s flush. sat down with PokerXFactor instructor Chris “Fox” Wallace to break down this intriguing hand and speculate as to what Cates may have held. Why does Dwan put in… Read More »

What Could Durrrr Have?

Another session is in the books, but this time during the 20-minute bout, it was Tom “durrrr” Dwan booking a profitable effort to the tune of $31,778. There is a lot of poker to be played and by no means is Dan “JungleMan12” Cates’ lead insurmountable. Let’s take a look at two major hands played and take a guess at what might have happened. jungleman12 slow plays after the turn card Full Tilt Poker $200/$400 No Limit Hold’em – 2 players durrrr (BTN/SB): $53598.50 jungleman12 (BB): $41199.00 Pre Flop: ($600.00) durrrr raises to $1200, jungleman12 raises to $4000, durrrr calls $2800 Flop: ($8000.00) 5s 8c Td (2 players) jungleman12 bets $4400, durrrr calls $4400 Turn: ($16800.00) 4s (2 players) jungleman12 checks, durrrr checks River: ($16800.00) Kc (2 players) jungleman12 requests TIME, jungleman12 bets $12400, durrrr requests TIME, durrrr calls $12400 Final Pot: $41600.00 jungleman12 shows 7h 6c (a straight, Eight… Read More »

Durrrr Chops off a Small Chunk of JungleMan12’s Lead

A small 20-minute session between Tom “durrrr” Dwan and Dan “JungleMan12″ Cates on October 5th had some interesting hands and things went well for durrrr. He finished the session with a profit of $31,778.50, although he is still in the hole overall. It looks like both players are willing to log as many hands as possible if there are no other big cash games going on, so let’s hope that things remain this way. Here are the biggest hands of the session: durrrr hits a Flush with the river card Full Tilt Poker $200/$400 No Limit Hold’em – 2 players durrrr (BTN/SB): $45198.00 jungleman12 (BB): $57996.50 Pre Flop: ($600.00) durrrr raises to $1200, jungleman12 raises to $4000, durrrr calls $2800 Flop: ($8000.00) 6c Ah Qs (2 players) jungleman12 bets $4400, durrrr raises to $11700, jungleman12 calls $7300 Turn: ($31400.00) 3h (2 players) jungleman12 checks, durrrr checks River: ($31400.00) Kh (2… Read More »

Hand Analysis from Oct 3rd

The second installment of the Durrrr Challenge resumed between Daniel “JungleMan12” Cates and Tom “durrrr” Dwan over the weekend after weeks of inactivity. The recent session was a wash in terms of win/loss for either player, so let’s take a look at two of the bigger hands and see what happened. The turn card favors durrrr Full Tilt Poker $200/$400 No Limit Hold’em – 2 players durrrr (BB): $67588.00 jungleman12 (BTN/SB): $52597.50 Pre Flop: ($600.00) jungleman12 raises to $1200, durrrr calls $800 Flop: ($2400.00) 3s 8h 2c (2 players) durrrr checks, jungleman12 bets $2000, durrrr calls $2000 Turn: ($6400.00) Qh (2 players) durrrr checks, jungleman12 bets $5200, durrrr calls $5200 River: ($16800.00) 2h (2 players) durrrr checks, jungleman12 bets $12800, durrrr calls $12800 Final Pot: $42400.00 durrrr shows Jc Qc (two pair, Queens and Twos) jungleman12 shows As 8c (two pair, Eights and Twos) durrrr wins $42399.50 Analysis On the… Read More »

Durrrr Challenge Returns in October

The second edition of the Durrrr Challenge had a great start. Railbirds around the world commented on who would have the advantage at the end of the 50,000 hand milestone and a buzz was in the air, but just like in the first Durrrr Challenge, no one knew how long it would take the two high rollers to reach the conclusion. With the World Series of Poker (WSOP) Europe taking place in London, both players were absent from the felt for the month of September and we finally spotted them at the tables on October 2nd. Their session logged 582 hands and lasted a little longer than one hour. Tom “durrrr” Dwan ended up winning the session for a minimum profit of $1,429.5. The biggest hand of the session was won by Dan “JungleMan12” Cates for a profit of $103,000 but that was not enough to increase his overall lead… Read More »

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