Monthly Archives: February 2010

Tom Dwan Lasts One Level in WPT L.A. Poker Classic

Tom “durrrr” Dwan lasted all of one level in the $10,000 buy-in World Poker Tour (WPT) L.A. Poker Classic. In a truly Dwan-like strategy, the youngster didn’t show up for the entirety of Day 1. By the start of Day 2, his stack had been blinded down to 15,000. The WPT claimed his absence was caused by a bevy of high-stakes online cash games along with the fact that Dwan “couldn’t get a flight to L.A. in time to catch any of Day 1.” According to Yahoo Maps, the driving distance between Las Vegas and Los Angeles is just 270 miles, a short four-hour trip across the desert. Dwan, however, elected to fly and turned out for Day 2 in the middle of the second level of play, the sixth overall. At that point, blinds were 100-200 with an ante of 50 and Dwan’s stack had plummeted to 25 big… Read More »

What Did They Have? Play Along with DurrrrChallenge

It’s time to sharpen your Omaha skills with In the largest pot of the February 13th micro session of the Tom Dwan Million Dollar Challenge, no hole cards were exposed. Therefore, we thought it was appropriate to play the hand out with PokerXFactor instructor Chris “Fox” Wallace and see what Tom Dwan and Patrik Antonius may have held. Buckle up; it’s going to be a bumpy ride. Seat 1: durrrr ($41,398.50) Seat 2: Patrik Antonius ($78,598.50) durrrr posts the small blind of $200 Patrik Antonius posts the big blind of $400 PRE-FLOP durrrr raises to $1,200 Patrik Antonius calls $800 Chris Wallace: After looking at a ton of Durrrr Challenge hands, I know these guys are very aggressive pre-flop. We learn nothing about Durrrr’s hand from a single pre-flop raise, but we can guess that Antonius doesn’t have a monster here or he would be re-raising. Because Durrrr only… Read More »

Analysis of Hands from Micro Session

Hours before Patrik Antonius would have to pamper his lovely lady Maya Geller for Valentine’s Day, he found time for a date with Tom “durrrr” Dwan. The two put in a small session for 16 minutes for a grand total of 79 hands. Dwan managed to get the best of Antonius to the tune of $21,790. Let’s take a look at a few hands and see what happened. durrrr Hits a Full House on the River FullTiltPoker Game #18445308568: – Pot Limit Omaha Hi Seat 1: durrrr ($50,198.50) Seat 2: Patrik Antonius ($69,799.50) durrrr posts the small blind of $200 Patrik Antonius posts the big blind of $400 HOLE CARDS durrrr raises to $1,200 Patrik Antonius raises to $3,600 durrrr calls $2,400 FLOP – Jd Ad 9d Patrik Antonius checks durrrr checks TURN – Tc Patrik Antonius checks durrrr checks RIVER – Js Patrik Antonius checks durrrr bets $5,600 Patrik… Read More »

Micro Session

A micro session that lasted sixteen minutes took place yesterday before midnight Eastern Time, a total of seventy nine hands where played and durrrr managed to increase his lead in $21,790.50. durrrr has been winning in his latest sessions against a bevy of players at the high stakes tables and has been able to outplay Antonius in the latest durrrr challenge sessions as well. In the other hand Antonius has been struggling since the year started at both the high stakes tables and the durrrr challenge. Below are the biggest hands of the latest session: The Largest Pot of the Session FullTiltPoker #18445394175 – Pot Limit Omaha Hi – Seat 1: durrrr ($41,398.50) Seat 2: Patrik Antonius ($78,598.50) durrrr posts the small blind of $200 Patrik Antonius posts the big blind of $400 HOLE CARDS durrrr raises to $1,200 Patrik Antonius calls $800 FLOP – Tc Jc 4s Patrik Antonius… Read More »

Check-Call Your Way to Victory

In the February 9th installment of the Durrrr Challenge, we saw Tom Dwan check-call every street in one hand, ultimately making a full house on the river to trump Patrik Antonius’ lowly pair of deuces. sat down with PokerXFactor instructor and Omaha expert Chris “Fox” Wallace to get his take on what went down. Pre-flop, Dwan sat with a $137,000 stack, while Antonius owned a little over $103,000. Wallace noted, “Notice they are pretty deep-stacked here. That changes things a little bit and makes people less aggressive when the pot size might get out of hand.” Pre-flop, Antonius raised to $1,200 with 3s 7c 5h 4d and Dwan made it $3,600 with Kd Qc 2s As. Antonius made the call. Chris Wallace: Antonius has a very speculative “surprise hand” and doesn’t want the pot to get too big yet, so he just calls the re-raise. That’s not surprising. He’s… Read More »

Analysis from Feb 9th Session

It’s hard to imagine, but this heads up matchup between Tom Dwan and Patrik Antonius is now over a year old. While we wonder what will actually happen if/when this portion of the challenge ever ends (remember there are guys waiting for a crack at Dwan after Antonius) lets take a look at the latest session recorded. At this point, Dwan is up almost $1.4 million and it would take a really hot run for Antonius to get this thing close. Let’s analyze two hands from the session played on February 9th to see how things went down. Patrik Gets Some Help on the River Full Tilt Poker $200/$400 Pot Limit Omaha Hi – 2 players durrrr (BTN/SB): $75389.00 Patrik Antonius (BB): $198788.50 Pre Flop: ($600.00) durrrr raises to $1200, Patrik Antonius raises to $3600, durrrr calls $2400 Flop: ($7200.00) 7s Qc 4c (2 players) Patrik Antonius checks, durrrr bets… Read More »

Viktor Blom Blows Up on WSOP Europe Coverage

If you had a chance to check out ESPN’s coverage of the 2009 World Series of Poker (WSOP) Europe Main Event over the weekend, then you saw Viktor Blom, the man many purport to be the legendary Isildur1, put in a failed bluff against Ian Munns. Our two favorite Durrrr Challenge participants, Tom “durrrr” Dwan and Patrik Antonius, may have tangled with Blom in the past on the virtual felts of Full Tilt Poker if indeed he is Isildur1. In the buzz-worthy hand that unfolded at the Casino at the Empire in London, Blom raised to 3,000 pre-flop with K-2 of diamonds and Munns made it 9,000 with A-7. Blom called and the flop came A-A-3, giving Munns trips and Blom squadoosh. Blom checked, Munns bet 9,000, Blom raised it up to 58,000, Munns bumped it to 116,000, and, rather than folding, Blom shoved all-in for 231,000. Munns tanked, perhaps… Read More »

Challenge Moves Forward

Slowly but surely, The Durrrrr Challenge is inching its way toward completion. Or, put another way, Tom Dwan is crushing Patrik Antonius into submission. The two poker giants played a 883-hand session late last night, and durrrr once again emerged victorious, taking a total of $315K from Patrik. In one of the biggest pots of the night, Antonius opened on the button to $1200 and durrrr three-bet to $3600. Patrik flatted, and the two took a Ts 2d 6d flop. Dwan check-called a $6000 bet from Patrik, and the turn paired the board with the 2h . Tom once again check-called, this time a bet of $14.8K. When the river dropped the Ks , durrrr check-called Antonius’ $48.8K bet, and scooped a $146K pot with Kd 2s As Qc (Twos full of Kings). Patrik mucked 3s 5d 5h 7c , essentially a three-barrel bluff. After a total of nearly 33K… Read More »

Durrrr Challenge Bluff Gone Bad

In the recent running of the Durrrr Challenge, Tom Dwan raised to $800 pre-flop with 8s-10c-Js-6d and Patrik Antonius pushed the action to $2,400 with 7c-Jh-Kc-Qh. Dwan wasn’t content to call, however, and instead raised to $7,200. Antonius bumped it to $21,600 and Dwan finally called. The flop came 6-2-6 rainbow. Antonius moved all-in for $38,000 with air and Dwan came along after flopping a set. An eight on the turn improved the youngster to a boat, good enough to scoop the pot. sat down with instructor Chris “Fox” Wallace to get his take on the hand. Antonius moved all-in on the flop with nothing. What was he thinking? Chris Wallace: Antonius misplayed this hand, but his thought process was that it’s a big pot and there was a lot of raising and re-raising pre-flop, so Durrrr might just have big cards. Really, Antonius is on a… Read More »

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