Monthly Archives: December 2009

Hand Analysis from Dec 23rd

Dwan Wins with a Higher Straight Full Tilt Poker $200/$400 Pot Limit Omaha Hi – 2 players durrrr (BTN/SB): $52703.00 Patrik Antonius (BB): $107254.00 Pre Flop: ($600.00) durrrr raises to $1200, Patrik Antonius raises to $3600, durrrr calls $2400 Flop: ($7200.00) Td 3s 2d (2 players) Patrik Antonius bets $7200, durrrr raises to $28800, Patrik Antonius raises to $93600, durrrr calls $20303 all in Turn: ($105406.00) 4c (2 players – 1 is all in) River: ($105406.00) 5s (2 players – 1 is all in) Final Pot: $105406.00 durrrr shows 6s 4d Qs 8d (a straight, Six high) Patrik Antonius shows 4h As Kd Ac (a straight, Five high) durrrr wins $105405.50 Analysis Pre-flop, we had Durrrr on the button holding a very suspect 6-4-Q-8, but it was double-suited and enough for Dwan to make a raise and call the 3bet. Antonius, who 3bet with a great hand of 4-A-K-A, led… Read More »

The Durrrr Challenge Continues

Heading into play last night with a $711K lead on Patrik Antonius, Tom Dwan managed to push his edge closer to the $1 million mark after winning $225K in a session that lasted nearly 2000 hands. A total of 29,764 hands have now been played and durrrr holds a commanding $937K lead with just over 20K hands to go. A few big hands from the most recent session: Dwan Hits a Straight $200/$400 Pot-Limit Omaha durrrr (SB): $230,456 Antonius (BB): $119,338 Pre-flop ($600): durrrr raises to $1,200, Antonius raises to $3,600, durrrr raises to $10,800, Antonius raises to $32,400, durrrr calls Flop ($64,800) Ks 7h Jc. Antonius bets $64,800, durrrr raises to $198,146 all-in, Antonius calls with $22,138 all-in Turn ($238,675): 7c River ($238,675): 9c durrrr shows Jd 8s 9h Ts (a straight, jack high) Antonius shows Qc 9s Js Kd (two pair, kings and jacks) durrrr wins $238,674.50 Antonius… Read More »

Slow Playing in Omaha

If you want to check out a classic example of how slow-playing in Omaha can backfire, then look no further than a recent hand from the Durrrr Challenge’s December play. In it, Patrik Antonius flopped trip queens holding 6-6-Q-Q on a board of A-Q-2. Contrastingly, Tom “durrrr” Dwan held 3-8-4-7 for a straight draw to a five and what ESPN announcer Norman Chad would label “squadoosh.” Antonius checked his trips and Dwan fired out $12,200. Antonius made the call and, sure enough, the turn came a five, filling Dwan’s straight. Antonius checked thinking he had the best hand, Dwan bet $46,000, and Antonius called all-in for his last $42,000 and change. The river was a king, shipping the $131,000 up for grabs to Dwan after a fancy suckout. That was easy! sat down with instructor Chris “Fox” Wallace to break down this debacle of a hand for Antonius.… Read More »

Hand Analysis from Dec 7 Session

The boys came back to the Durrrr Challenge after what can only be referred to as the “Isildur1 Hiatus,” as both participated in nosebleed action on Full Tilt Poker with the Swedish superstar. However, on December 7th, there was a short session put in that didn’t see any significant change in Durrrr’s lead. Let’s take a look at a couple of hands and see what happened. Dwan Binks a Full House Full Tilt Poker $200/$400 Pot Limit Omaha Hi – 2 players durrrr (BTN/SB): $57396.00 Patrik Antonius (BB): $205998.00 Pre Flop: ($600.00) durrrr raises to $1200, Patrik Antonius raises to $3600, durrrr calls $2400 Flop: ($7200.00) 9h As 4d (2 players) Patrik Antonius bets $5200, durrrr raises to $16500, Patrik Antonius raises to $56700, durrrr calls $37296 all in Turn: ($114792.00) 2c (2 players – 1 is all in) River: ($114792.00) 2s (2 players – 1 is all in) Final… Read More »

Dwan and Antonius Play Rare Session

The nosebleed tables on Full Tilt Poker have seen some incredible action throughout November and into December, most of it involving relative newcomer Isildur1. And while both durrrr and Patrik Antonius have been right in the middle of things all month, none of it has been for the Durrrr Challenge. Apparently Isildur was nowhere to be found early this weekend, however, as Dwan and Antonius managed to play a short session late Friday night. Heading into play, durrrr had a $750K lead over Antonius, and after battling for nearly 500 hands, not much changed. Patrik managed to take $24K from Dwan, which in the grand scheme of things means that durrrr is still up $711K after 27,773 hands of play. In the biggest pot of the night, Dwan opened the button to $1200 and flatted Patrik’s three bet, taking a Jc 4d 2s flop. Antonius led for $6K and Tom… Read More »

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