Monthly Archives: June 2009

Analysis from June 19th Hands

The Durrrr Challenge has featured timed ultra-aggression from Tom Dwan. Regardless of the “proper move,” Dwan consistently got his money in prior to the June sessions as a dog with Antonius either holding blockers to his outs or flopping the nuts. The good news for Dwan is that this has led Antonius to believe that Dwan has no boundaries to his seemingly reckless aggression, which has always been made with some sort of draw. Now that Dwan is hitting outs and flopping well, the aggression that put him in a $450,000 hole has rocketed him to a lead in excess of $700,000. Let’s examine two such hands where Dwan hit a big out or flashed aggression that paid off in a big pot. Patrik flops a set, but durrrr hits a full house Full Tilt Poker $200/$400 Pot Limit Omaha Hi – 2 players durrrr (BTN/SB): $787061.00 Patrik Antonius (BB):… Read More »

Patrik Antonius Wins $500,000 Pot, Loses $400,000 Overall

It’s tough to win a half-million dollar pot and still lose $400,000 for the session, but that’s exactly what Patrik Antonius managed to do in the latest installment of the Tom Dwan Million Dollar Challenge. Let’s take a look at this amazing feat. Both Antonius and Dwan started the hand with about $250,000. Pre-flop, we saw our standard raises, with Antonius making it $1,200, Dwan raising to $3,600, Antonius pumping the price of poker up to $6,000, Dwan raising to $18,000, and Antonius signaling the white flag and calling. The flop came 6-6-Q. Dwan checked-raised Antonius for $47,100 and Antonius just called. The turn came a nine. Dwan bet $54,600, Antonius pushed for $173,000, and Dwan called, turning over 7-9-8-6 for a full house. However, Antonius revealed Q-9-Q-K for a higher full house. A four on the river didn’t change the status quo and Antonius scooped the $477,000 pot.… Read More »

Analysis from the June 18th Session

It’s amazing how big the swings can be in Pot Limit Omaha heads-up and that’s exactly what we’ve seen in the Durrrr Challenge. Only a couple of weeks ago, we were practically mocking Tom “durrrr” Dwan for being down almost a half-million dollars to his first challenger, Patrik Antonius. Only two sessions later, Durrrr has taken his biggest lead. The session from June 18th was a lengthy four hours, with wild swings in both players’ favor. Let’s take a look at two critical hands. A $124K Backdoor Boat Full Tilt Poker $200/$400 Pot Limit Omaha Hi – 2 players durrrr (BB): $103854.00 Patrik Antonius (BTN/SB): $61798.00 Pre Flop: ($600.00) Patrik Antonius raises to $1200, durrrr raises to $3600, Patrik Antonius calls $2400 Flop: ($7200.00) 2h Kd 5h (2 players) durrrr checks, Patrik Antonius bets $6000, durrrr raises to $25200, Patrik Antonius raises to $58198 all in, durrrr calls $32998 Turn:… Read More »

What Everyone Expected from the durrrr Challenge

When the durrrrr Challenge started all the railbirds expected big sessions to declare a winner in the shortest time possible, but things did not start how everyone expected. The action was slow, durrrr and Patrik played once or twice a week in sessions that lasted 3 hours at the most but the average was around an hour. Then the WSOP events started and everyone would have guessed that the durrrr Challenge would rarely see some action, but it was the other way around, for some great reason which no one knows durrrr and Patrik seem to be enjoying the challenge, which it’s great. Yesterday’s session was divided into two huge sessions for a total of more or less 14 hours. The first part of yesterday’s session. In the second session they logged 3,343 hands and durrrr added $391,103.5 to his lead, so durrrr is now up $726,546.5. We hope to… Read More »

durrrr’s Monster Session Propels Him Back in the Lead

The pace of the Challenge seems to have quickened in spite of the WSOP. While many suspected the slow pace of the Challenge would grind to a halt during this busy time of the poker year, durrrr and Patrik keep finding time for the Challenge. Part of this renewed dedication to Challenge play can likely be contributed to Antonius’ back problems his wife Maya Gellar mentioned at the start of the WSOP. The guys were at it once again today and played a nearly four hour session from 7PM ET until nearly 10:30PM or so. Antonius jumped out to a $250K lead early in this session, but durrrr made quite a comeback and came within $30K of pulling even with his opponent on the day. It is worth noting that he also made this comeback while playing Gus Hansen at three other heads-up PLO tables concurrently with his Challenge ones.… Read More »

Patrik Antonius Receives a Saving Grace

The June 11th edition of the Tom Dwan Million Dollar Challenge could have been a lot worse for Patrik Antonius had it not been for a turned flush in a $106,000 pot. With the contest almost back to even, caught up with PokerXFactor instructor and resident Omaha expert Chris “Fox” Wallace to talk about the only thing that went right for Antonius last week. Starting with a 3:1 chip lead pre-flop, Dwan raised to $3,600 over the top of a bet of $1,200 by Antonius. Then, Antonius made it $6,000 to go, Dwan bumped the action to $18,000, and Antonius called $12,000. The flop came 9-J-Q with two clubs. Dwan bet pot, $36,000, and Antonius called for his remaining stack. The turn brought a third club to the board, while the river was the ace of hearts. In the end, Dwan flipped over Q-10-5-A with two diamonds for two… Read More »

Against the Odds: Big Hands From a Big Comeback

How does one dig themselves out of a $400,000 hole in a span of three hours you ask? In addition to playing some solid PLO, durrrr also happened to be the beneficiary of some of the biggest pots of the day. As a result, he ended up with an hourly rate of $100K or so. Not too shabby for one night’s work. Let’s take a closer look at two of the biggest pots of the session and break down where each player stood in this edition of Against the Odds: Biggest Pot of the Session Full Tilt Poker $200/$400 Pot Limit Omaha Hi – 2 players durrrr (BB): $245162.00 Patrik Antonius (BTN/SB): $114795.50 Pre Flop: ($600.00) Patrik Antonius raises to $1200, durrrr raises to $3600, Patrik Antonius raises to $10800, durrrr calls $7200 Flop: ($21600.00) Jd Ad 2s (2 players) durrrr checks, Patrik Antonius bets $16400, durrrr raises to $70800,… Read More »

Analysis from June 11th Session

When long time players of No Limit Texas Hold’em move over to Omaha, they are always reminded by the long time Omaha players that the game is one of big swings and massive variance. Oftentimes the mathematically correct thing to do in the game is to shove even though you are in a 50-50 situation, and if things go wrong, you can end up broke rather quickly. The Durrrr Challenge resumed on June 11th following a mini-session where Tom Dwan thoroughly whipped Patrik Antonius to the tune of more than $376,000. The lead that Antonius had taken to over $400,000 over the course of 15,000 hands has now almost evaporated. How did this happen? Let’s take a look into two critical hands posted from that fateful session. durrrr Hits a Higher Straight Full Tilt Poker $200/$400 Pot Limit Omaha Hi – 2 players durrrr (BTN/SB): $86865.50 Patrik Antonius (BB): $113115.00… Read More »

Analysis from June 10th’s Mini Session

Due to the World Series of Poker tournament events starting up and being in full swing in Sin City, it seems that the action at the side tables as well as the tournaments are too good for both Tom Dwan and Patrik Antonius to pass up. There have been multiple reports of both being spotted at “Bobby’s Room” playing in the biggest cash game in town, so there’s little surprise of the snail’s pace movement of the Durrrr Challenge. However, the boys did get together for a small 39 minute session giving us some hands to analyze. Patrik Hits a Straight Full Tilt Poker $200/$400 Pot Limit Omaha Hi – 2 players durrrr (BTN/SB): $104797.00 Patrik Antonius (BB): $55197.00 Pre Flop: ($600.00) durrrr raises to $1200, Patrik Antonius raises to $3600, durrrr calls $2400 Flop: ($7200.00) Js 9c 6c (2 players) Patrik Antonius checks, durrrr checks Turn: ($7200.00) 5h (2… Read More »

The Challenge is Almost Even!

After been in the lead for some time now, Patrik is in danger of loosing the lead in the durrrr challenge. Tom “durrrr” Dwan has finally caught a break and gotten thousands of dollars back from Patrik to be exact he won $376 597 in an almost three hour session in which they logged 786 hands. So the challenge could almost be called even since Patrik has the lead by $34k which at their level seems to be pocket change. Here are the details of the biggest pots they played: Biggest Pot of the Session Full Tilt Poker $200/$400 Pot Limit Omaha Hi – 2 players durrrr (BB): $245162.00 Patrik Antonius (BTN/SB): $114795.50 Pre Flop: ($600.00) Patrik Antonius raises to $1200, durrrr raises to $3600, Patrik Antonius raises to $10800, durrrr calls $7200 Flop: ($21600.00) Jd Ad 2s (2 players) durrrr checks, Patrik Antonius bets $16400, durrrr raises to $70800,… Read More »

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