Monthly Archives: March 2009

The Hand That Played Itself

In the most recent 82 minute installment of the Tom Dwan Million Dollar Challenge, Patrik Antonius pulled ahead of the young poker phenom on the strength of a $102,000 pot that saw Antonius’ boat trump Dwan’s nut flush. Holding 8c-4h-3s-Ac, Dwan made it $1,200 pre-flop and was called by Antonius, who held 9d-9h-Jd-As. The flop came 7-3-9, all clubs. Antonius checked top set, Dwan bet $1,750 with the nuts, Antonius bet pot to $7,650, Dwan raised to $16,900, Antonius made it $53,100, and Dwan called off the rest of his stack. The $102,000 pot escalated quickly on the flop, one of the most aggressive series of back and forth raises we’ve seen so far. The turn came the three of hearts, pairing the board and giving Antonius a boat, which proved to be the winner. sat down with PokerXFactor instructor Chris “Fox” Wallace to talk about the hand.… Read More »

Early Morning Session Gives PA the Lead

We’re starting to see a pattern. While the scheduling of the Challenge remains completely erratic, a trend is beginning to emerge in terms of how long they are playing. Many predicted some marathon sessions in order to get to the 50,000 hand mark, but durrrr and Patrik seem to enjoy the 82-minute sessions. They put in yet another one early Thursday morning. The session logged 460 hands and propelled Antonius back into the overall lead. He picked up $92,021 on the session giving him a $23,467 edge in the Challenge race. Play lasted from around 6AM ET until nearly 7:30AM before durrrr called it quits. There were several big pots today, including a flush vs. set situation that sent $105,000 Patrik’s way. You’ll see from the hand histories below that there were several coolers this morning that led to some big money going in the middle after the flop: Straight… Read More »

Hand Analysis from March 23

The pace of the Durrrr Challenge has finally gone past the turtle stage and into something we can be excited about. The boys got together on the night of March 23rd for an interesting session, so lets take a look at some of the hands. durrrr Doubles Up on the First Hand Full Tilt Poker $200/$400 Pot Limit Omaha Hi – 2 players durrrr (BB): $60000.00 Patrik Antonius (BTN/SB): $40000.00 Pre Flop: ($600.00) Patrik Antonius raises to $1200, durrrr calls $800 Flop: ($2400.00) Tc 6c 5h (2 players) durrrr checks, Patrik Antonius bets $2400, durrrr raises to $8900, Patrik Antonius calls $6500 Turn: ($20200.00) 7h (2 players) durrrr checks, Patrik Antonius bets $20200, durrrr raises to $40400, Patrik Antonius calls $9700 all in River: ($80000.00) Jh (2 players – 1 is all in) Final Pot: $80000.00 durrrr shows Kh 9h 8c Qd (a flush, King high) Patrik Antonius shows 8h… Read More »

Durrrr and Patrik are back at the tables

Patrik and durrrr played a session that lasted for almost two hours. They played 3 pots that exceeded $120K. Patrik cuts off durrrr’s lead and the challenge is getting interesting, durrrr is ahead by $67,162.50. There’s still a long way to go until the challenge is done. Don’t forget to enter our prediction contest. Here are the biggest pots of the session. Patrik wins the biggest pot of the session $163k Full Tilt Poker $200/$400 Pot Limit Omaha Hi – 2 players durrrr (BB): $81798.50 Patrik Antonius (BTN/SB): $118188.50 Pre Flop: ($600.00) Patrik Antonius raises to $1200, durrrr raises to $3600, Patrik Antonius raises to $10800, durrrr calls $7200 Flop: ($21600.00) 8h 6c 9c (2 players) durrrr checks, Patrik Antonius bets $21600, durrrr calls $21600 Turn: ($64800.00) Ah (2 players) durrrr bets $49398.50 all in, Patrik Antonius calls $49398.50 River: ($163597.00) Ks (2 players – 1 is all in) Final… Read More »

durrrr Retaliates on Sunday; Retakes the Lead

Let’s hope this newly revived dedication to the Challenge keeps up! Patrik and durrrr logged their third session in a week yesterday, playing for a little over an hour on Sunday afternoon. Challenge play got underway around 1:30PM ET and continued until 2:45PM or so. The relatively brief session added an additional 411 hands to the tally and saw durrrr regain the lead once again. Durrrr logged a $123,849 profit on the session, erasing Patrik’s lead and giving him a $15,238.50 edge overall. The slim lead is less than ½ a buy-in and is the smallest margin of difference we’ve seen so far. Almost all of the action took place on Challenge Table #4 and by the end of the session, durrrr was up nearly $150K at that table alone. Unlike last session, where Patrik bought-in for $80K, he opted for his typical $40K yesterday while durrrr bought in for… Read More »

Analysis from March 21st Session

On March 21st, the Durrrr Challenge resumed between Tom Dwan and Patrik Antonius on Full Tilt Poker. The pace is finally picking up, as the two dueled it out on four tables for about an hour and a half for 425 hands of $200/$400 Omaha. The big winner during the session was Antonius, who has taken the lead for the first time since late February. Let’s take a look at some of the hands played during that session. Patrik’s Quick Double Up Full Tilt Poker $200/$400 Pot Limit Omaha Hi – 2 players durrrr (BTN/SB): $40200.00 Patrik Antonius (BB): $79800.00 Pre Flop: ($600.00) durrrr raises to $1200, Patrik Antonius calls $800 Flop: ($2400.00) 5c 3h Jd (2 players) Patrik Antonius checks, durrrr bets $1750, Patrik Antonius raises to $7650, durrrr calls $5900 Turn: ($17700.00) Qd (2 players) Patrik Antonius bets $17700, durrrr raises to $31350 all in, Patrik Antonius calls… Read More »

Patrik Takes the Lead with Friday’s Session

Looks like the pace of the Challenge is picking up. Durrrr and Patrik put in their second session this week, playing for around an hour and a half yesterday evening. The 82-minute session consisted of 425 hands, ran from around 6:45PM to 8:20PM ET, and saw Patrik take the lead for the first time since February 21st. Patrik decided to change it up a bit this time and bought in for 200 big blinds ($80,000) instead of the typical $40,000, which played a role in several large pots that developed over the course of the session. Durrrr started with $40,000 at each table, but quickly had to reload when Antonius won an all-in confrontation within the first five minutes of play. The internet problems persisted for durrrr again yesterday and he eventually decided the connection was too iffy to continue. With so much money on the line, who could blame… Read More »

Top Two Versus a Set = All In!

In the most recent edition of the Tom Dwan Million Dollar Challenge, a $140,000 pot took place between Dwan and Patrik Antonius. In it, Dwan raised pre-flop to $1,200, Antonius re-raised to $3,600, and Dwan called. The flop came Q-J-7 rainbow and Antonius led out for $5,200. Dwan called and the turn revealed a harmless four that didn’t match any suit on the board. Antonius put out a bet of $15,600, Dwan pushed all-in, and Antonius called with his stack on the line. The river came a king. Dwan flipped over Q-J-6-6 for top two pair. Antonius showed J-J-5-5 for trip jacks, scooping the $140,000 pot. We sat down with poker pro Chris “Fox” Wallace to talk about the thought process of our two combatants during the hand. Talk about what Dwan and Antonius were thinking prior to the all-in. Wallace: When Antonius re-raises, Dwan is going to put… Read More »

Analysis from March 14th Session

The boys were finally back at their Challenge tables this week as the challenge resumed between Tom Dwan and Patrik Antonius at Full Tilt Poker. Let’s take a look at some of the hands played and try to break down the play and possible meta-game that factored into their decision making process. Patrik Retaliates with a $69K Pot Full Tilt Poker $200/$400 Pot Limit Omaha Hi – 2 players durrrr (BTN/SB): $34597.50 Patrik Antonius (BB): $114796.50 Pre Flop: ($600.00) durrrr raises to $1200, Patrik Antonius raises to $3600, durrrr calls $2400 Flop: ($7200.00) 9c 6c Jh (2 players) Patrik Antonius bets $5600, durrrr raises to $24000, Patrik Antonius raises to $42400, durrrr calls $6997.50 all in Turn: ($69195.00) 7s (2 players – 1 is all in) River: ($69195.00) Qs (2 players – 1 is all in) Final Pot: $69195.00 durrrr shows Jc Ac 9d Th (two pair, Jacks and Nines)… Read More »

They’re Baaack

We know. We can barely believe it ourselves. After a two week break with no action, Challenge play resumed Sunday evening! Play began around 7:30PM ET, or 12:30AM in Monaco, where Patrik is currently staying with his family. The pair played for almost three hours before durrrr started to experience some internet connectivity problems and Patrik decided he was too tired to continue and headed to bed. Here is the chat from the end of their session: durrrr: i might need to quit durrrr: if intnet does that again Patrik Antonius: thats fine i gotta go to sleep soon And a few minutes later… Patrik Antonius: going to bed Patrik Antonius: i won around 89k? Patrik Antonius: im too tired gg play tomorrow Patrik probably got a peaceful night’s rest knowing that he picked up $87,611.50 on the session, which cuts durrrr’s overall lead to just $52,567. During the three… Read More »

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